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Wednesday 22 May 2024

How to Successfully Face the Unknown with The Power of Preparedness

Opportunity is a perishable goods, unlike eternity, in that it exists for a finite amount of time. 

Delays in decision-making destroy future success. So take advantage of God's opportunity to transform your living condition and get you to a point where you may be reasonably satisfied. Most of the time, be ready, fit, and prepared. For someone who is ready, circumstances may become chances. A Prepared mind's eyes see what unprepared eyes don't see.

Chance frequently strikes in the most unexpected ways and may even appear disguised. A possibility for personal growth and destiny fulfillment may present itself in the form of adversity and difficulty. 

However, Some opportunities will come alone linking you directly to your destiny while other opportunities come as packaged.

All you have to do to seize the opportunities is to confront the unknown.

In whatever forms it appears, to seize any chances two outstanding things must also work with you like twins; ready to face the unknown and a profession that you are connected to.

Your capacity to confront the unknown is one of the most valuable things a guy may have in life. What you know will determine how far you go in your life. It is therefore important that you ensure that you are standing in a position where you can see well in life. No food for a lazy man.

What Are Your Preparations For Any Opportunities

If you want to see clearly and grasp possibilities, you must be skillful, creative, and confident, hone your skills, and expose yourself to better programs that will prepare you for the moment.

Many people don't seize the opportunities that arise to them, they're scared to take calculated risks, having fear about how it will change their current lifestyle or what the outcome will be. 

There is risk in pursuing an opportunity; nevertheless, if you dismiss it as a risk not worth taking, you may lose it.    

Monday 10 June 2019


This article aims to inspire you. It wants you to consider changing some habits. This will help you understand how to navigate your current situation. It will help you start making changes. These changes will lead you to the life you desire.

The choices you've made may influence your circumstances. They are also influenced by the decisions you've taken in life. Take a moment to reflect on why you're in your current situation. You may find that your actions have played a part in getting you here. Unconscious habits also play a big role. They shape your circumstances. Remember this.

These habits can reinforce and uphold your perspectives, beliefs, and values. It may be challenging to alter them without careful consideration. Many people cling to comforting emotions. They do this instead of the ones that work best for their current situation.

To change your outside, focus on improving your inner self. You should consider replacing certain habits with more positive ones. For instance, instead of justifying your current situation based on past bad experiences. Consider breaking free from habits that have led to bad outcomes.





Sunday 26 August 2018

How You Can Seize Opportunity - 4 Characteristics That Can Help

Opportunities are resources that God offers you as capital or vital support, a chance created to change your life situation to the next level where you can have reasonable satisfaction.

Opportunities multiply when they are seized and die when neglected. Life is a long line of opportunities; it is an opening that makes the achievement of something possible. They will come before, by, for, to, and around you.  so learn to maintain good works and to meet urgent needs of someone can open doors for you. An opportunity you seize changes your life and the lives of those around you

How you can Seize Opportunity -  4 characteristics That Can Help

Be Very Sensitive
You have to be very sensitive, alert, and get prepared if you want to be able to use your opportunities well. The future belongs to those who are sensitive. So be skilled, sharpen what you have, expose yourself to better programs, this will make you suitable for the occasion.

Opportunities are only seen by courageous people. Never allow fear to keep you from using the opportunity you take hold of; the greater the risk, the greater the outcome. Once you see your opportunity as a risk not worth taking Satan will rob you of it. When a farmer sows his seed it is a risk because the seeds may either germinate or not, nevertheless, any serious farmer will still seize the opportunity of the seasonal weather to sow his seeds. So what risk will you take?

You can only seize the opportunity because you did not procrastinate. Procrastination will make you lose the steam of passion. Opportunity is like a perishable product where there is a delay in making the right decision; it leads to the perishable or destruction of your intended purpose. So time is very crucial from using the chance you have.

Critically Examine Every Situation
It is essential that you critically and painstakingly examine every situation you are in because some opportunities come in the form of trouble, difficulty, punishment, may come in disguised form. While some will come alone linking you directly to your destiny or opportunities come as packaged ones. So don’t be too quick to judge your situations.

It is not every door that opens that leads to your destination.  Every door looks like the right door to a desperate person but it is not every opportunity that proceeds from God. Some doors are doors of confusion and distraction; they lead one astray but if you can get trained in areas where you seek opportunities. Go for seminars, workshops, prayer, and fasting, etc. Most opportunities are offered to us by people who have seen them, so you have to network with people; significant people in your life can recognize opportunities and tell you.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

To Grow up in Life

There is an attitude that is expected to be seen in the life of someone who is claiming to grow up. It is an established fact that your attitude serves a purpose, they work to make things grow and blossom. It a profitable venture to run your race of life with endurance, understand your weaknesses, and refuse to be discouraged.

You do not have to go down or lose faith even if your best friend or mentor does so. You choose to hold firmly to your faith and confession. Never succumb to Satan’s pressure to make you feel that God does not remember you.

You have an adversary whose mission is to join bad gang, steal, destroy things, or have you been referred to as a business failure, academic failure, left behind, barren, etc?  God sees He knows, He is the unchanging changer, do not let your faith slip through your finger.

What you have to do to go up is that, be conscious that you possess the mindset and attitude of successful people. Your mindset will affect your outlook; it will affect your attitude towards what is going on around you. A universal law wants you to change the way you see problems, challenges, life health, etc. He wants you to identify your weaknesses and make a good recommendation that can help you solve the problems.

Gods or men’s words are not dormant, but full of power. It is a force to be reckoned with. Let the word of God or men grow mightily in you and by it you can overcome all the wicked schemes of your adversary. You ought to use your time profitably instead of engaging in slander and exchange of the devil's news, make the best use of your time today through various mediums such as personal devotion, is for a purpose. So you are expected to use it to grow and flourish.

In every situation and circumstance, it is important for you to live a disciplined life; it will make you fit for today and forever, and never allow your contact with the word of God to become a mere routine or a formality.

Friday 17 November 2017

Having Self-Belief to Achieve Success

Lack of confidence in oneself is a common reason why people prevent themselves from achieving. They do not even attempt since they believe they are incapable of doing things. Instead of being bold and believing they can achieve their goals, they invent excuses for why they can't.

Success does not always come easily and often requires sacrifice and a great deal of hard work. A lot of people are unwilling to work hard because of prior setbacks and negative experiences. These unfavorable experiences lead people to believe that success is unattainable.

To succeed, though, you must adopt a different perspective. Give up believing that you are inadequate or that you cannot succeed. Do not think that there is ever a perfect moment. As an alternative, embrace a fresh perspective that emphasizes opportunities over constraints.

Until something has been demonstrated to be impossible, do not assume it is. Making sure you have all the necessary tools for the journey and properly planning your approach are essential for success. Recall that everything is achievable if you have the necessary self-belief, aptitude, and perseverance to complete the tasks at hand.

People who only yearn for success rarely achieve it. Those that put forth a lot of effort and have faith in their goals will succeed.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Persistence: The Hidden Force Behind Every Successful Journey

Though most of us are unaware of it, perseverance is a strong force. It encourages people who keep trying even when things get difficult. This power is referred to as PERSISTENCE.

Examine the track record of accomplished individuals. You will observe that successful people are tenacious. Sometimes the path to your objectives will not be easy. Persistence, nevertheless, is essential. A lot of individuals give up because they lack the bravery to persevere.

You could be finding it difficult to accomplish your main goals at this stage. Remember that this task is not as difficult as it seems, so keep your optimism high. As you advance, the pressure will reduce. Keep taking one step at a time. Keep in mind, this route is teaching you things. and it will not be as difficult as it looks to finish. 

You can accomplish your most important objectives if you persevere. Success is attainable even in the face of difficulty. You can get beyond challenges if you keep going. They force others to quit up. Persistence has to be embraced by more individuals. At that point, significant improvements will occur in our society.

Make the commitment to persevere if you want your life to get better. It is a useful characteristic. Consistent work is necessary for growth. Do not expect your intermittent efforts to result in success.

By focusing on your strengths, you can distinguish between excellent and terrible strategies. Strive for excellence in one area at a time rather than multitasking. This strategy will enable you to advance steadily. It will be beneficial for your ongoing project.

Sunday 10 September 2017

How To Handle Failures

We committed a number of errors that led to failures. Many individuals want to stay out of trouble and avoid going after their most important objectives.

Learning from your mistakes is a key part of moving forward. The best way to fix a situation is to examine what went wrong. Remember, it's important not to point fingers.

Napoleon Hill once said, "If your first plan doesn't succeed, try a new one. Keep trying different plans until you find one that works. Many people fail because they give up too soon."

Life is about growing despite facing challenges. Making mistakes is a natural part of learning. Instead of getting frustrated, focus on understanding your mistakes and finding solutions.

Dealing with failures is crucial in handling life's obstacles. Making mistakes is normal, but it's important to learn from them. Remember, temporary setbacks are not permanent failures. They mean your plans need adjusting.

You can manage failures. You don't need to feel embarrassed by them. keep working towards finding the right solution. You can fix most mistakes, but some may have serious consequences.