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Sunday, 21 August 2016

Turn a life lesson into an action

Resolve to use what you have learned from living  life  to change your focus. Looking back to make an assessment about your past using the wisdom gained over time to help you begin to develop a productive approach towards making a better choices from evaluating past circumstances. This approach can either work for you or against depends on your mindset. If you aren't the type of person dwelling much on your past events or a person that doesn’t really understood that life will surely offers series of adventures such person won’t know how to make use of his/her past experiences.

To get the most out of life you have to take lessons that life provides from your past event as a series of adventures to learning new ways of doing things, expand your circle of experience, to step outside of yourself, building from your strengths to address areas of needed development. Once your thinking doesn’t get rigid that things cannot be better again then you will be able to take the uncertainty and fear out of the questions to turn a life into an action.

All In all, the lessons that life provides was that you should be able to trust your ability to make the best decision when needed because you have faced similar challenges and that begins a change in your approach to self-reflection as you can now develop a plan of action that makes you a better person

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