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Saturday, 3 September 2016

How To Decrease the Suffering of Your Souls

Life puts us through unexpected situations and unavoidable circumstances. No matter how hard we try to resist but we cannot change certain things in our lives. We have to accept certain situations and people in our life despite the fact that we don’t desire to have them. Sometimes it can be painful but we have to accept the reality and adapt ourselves to patterns of life.

 It would be an exhausting task if we try to get everything we want according to our likes and dislikes or try to change everything in our life according to our choice. The more we try and resist changes, situations and circumstances, the more painful and difficult life will be. Radical acceptance is the only way of life.

We can't avoid changes, we cannot run away from situations and we cannot change the circumstances life puts us into, but we can accept the realities of life with a positive attitude and decrease the suffering of our souls. The more we resist change the more will be our suffering and pain. So don’t resist just accept and move on." ~ Aarti Khurana

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