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Sunday, 13 November 2016

How Do You Grow Up Your Future

Creating an intentional future can't be achieved overnight and it requires work and discipline to see your future growing. Growth is a process not an accidental occurrence. 

No journey can begin without a definition of processes to undertake to get to the destination. Building up your today determines where you sit tomorrow. But first you have to create the circumstances for it to rise up. 

How do I create the right circumstances? Transformation of your future started right from your thought, that’s MENTALLY creation of how you want your future to look like, no change takes place without thoughts. A thought gives birth to a decision, and a decision that is acted upon becomes manifestation. That is, we’re the product of our emotions, if your emotions are fixed on negative aspects; you're likely to attract those situations because of your predominant reactions.

While PHYSICALLY methods is a Practical Strategies for  creating the right circumstance, If you refuse to accept responsibility you die as a liability, if you don't take steps today you won't have a story tomorrow. Those who embrace the gist of life with its accompanying responsibly make the most of life.

As long as you keep taking steps, you keep going up and you will become a star without much stress.  It is your commitment to work that determines your attainment in the world. Things only work for workers, planners, dreamers, positive thinkers and idleness makes your body system begin to decay, until you gradually drop off.

The only substitute for your failure to grow up your future is penury your destiny is determined by what you do with your hand. Do not let anything rob you off the ingredient needed to keep living your life. You are dying gradually without knowing once you stop taking steps to see your future growing.

Those who don’t take life serious leave without any accomplishment. If you are thoroughly want to live a good life and wish to have a brighter future, go and connect with the character........ That will put you into functioning in these three ways mentally, physically, and SPIRITUALLY with the grace of God upon your life you will achieve a brighter future.

Do something positive today to affect your tomorrow before it is too late nothing changes on its own, every change is consciously affected.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

How to Be Successful With The Right Friends

The people you spend time with can either support or obstruct your efforts to reach your objectives. It is not always due to bad luck or other external influences; sometimes it is because of the people you maintain. Wrong companions might foster a bad environment that hinders your progress. Some friends were beneficial in the past, but they may not be suitable for the present or future.

Identify the Friendship Problem

It is critical to maintain objectivity while making decisions on friends despite your feelings. Determine which of your buddies are not worth keeping in your life. Sort them into groups according to how they have affected your life rather than continuing to do the same old things with them. In this method, you can rectify any unfavorable circumstances brought about by unfit individuals.

The Power of Friends

You will be impacted, either positively or negatively, by the attitudes and actions of your friends. For this reason, you should stay away from friends who do not have aspirations. These buddies will not support you in developing or accomplishing your objectives. Find friends that encourage you and push your thinking instead.

Actions to Take

1. Determine Negative Influences: Evaluate your friends to see who is a negative influence in your life.

2. Adjust: Cease associating with folks who sabotage your progress. Growing out of certain friendships is OK.

3. Make Good Friends: Look for people who are encouraging and aspirational for friendship. They will support your ability to remain goal-focused.

Achieving your goals depends on making the correct friendship choices. Think carefully about who you invite into your life. Think carefully about who you invite into your life.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

How To Decrease the Suffering of Your Souls

Life puts us through unexpected situations and unavoidable circumstances. No matter how hard we try to resist but we cannot change certain things in our lives. We have to accept certain situations and people in our life despite the fact that we don’t desire to have them. Sometimes it can be painful but we have to accept the reality and adapt ourselves to patterns of life.

 It would be an exhausting task if we try to get everything we want according to our likes and dislikes or try to change everything in our life according to our choice. The more we try and resist changes, situations and circumstances, the more painful and difficult life will be. Radical acceptance is the only way of life.

We can't avoid changes, we cannot run away from situations and we cannot change the circumstances life puts us into, but we can accept the realities of life with a positive attitude and decrease the suffering of our souls. The more we resist change the more will be our suffering and pain. So don’t resist just accept and move on." ~ Aarti Khurana

Monday, 29 August 2016

Using Your Thoughts To Building Wealth

Practically everything that has value around you first exist has an idea before it was physically created. This means that wealth are created twice mental and physical creation.....

Many of us defined wealth as only a material things such as money, factory, power, and all tangible properties and if that's your definition of wealth well, your capacities for create wealth is going to be grossly limited, because your thoughts controls all the materials things in life and your mind is one that gives you the capacity to solve peoples problem. 

So to make transformation of your life and financial more prosper you have to take it as your number one resources, you create value with your mind. For instance, if you have money without your mental creation (ideas) of what exactly you want to achieve with the money, the money may likely go because it wouldn't have the capacities to reproduce, on other hands, if you have idea and don't have money automatically your idea will attracts their physical equivalent to reproduce you can even sell that ideas. 

Thoughts, ideas they are valuable resources that you most avoid to waste in this generation of ours. So things we cannot see or hold are more powerful than what we can see. 

People now realized that ideas as value as land and house. If you continue sideline them you will be living money on your table and as one of the greatest factors that can transformed your life. 

Ideas rules the world and according savvy entrepreneurs that says "man isn't people who doesn't have money but people who doesn't have ideas" To be frank, when you believe that you are poor or you assumed that you do not have capacity to try any business or struggling with inferiority complex, it will be very hard to proper on whatever you lay your hands. And it doesn't matter the amount of people or available opportunities to aids you what you think is what you possess, what you think controls the circumstances of your life. 

Monday, 22 August 2016

To Reach a Goal In Life - 6 Things That Will Not

If you dare wants to finish the race that God has set ahead of you, there are some thing you must considered and watch out for because they will not allow a man to reach his goal life.The following scenarios are not an exhaustive list of things that will not allow you to reach your expected targets, but to give you another way of looking at things, that might be a breakthrough in your life.

  6 Things You Most Watch Out For Before You Can Attain Your Stated Objectives

Wrong People: they are those not necessarily unbelievers or wicked people but they are those that God has not ordained for you to go on together in life. You need to understand that not everybody you are going together will pass into the next stages with you because some people are only relevant in your past, and not now or useful in future. Study indicated that they cannot elevate your thinking more than the ground they stand on, you don't have to be emotional about their characters, but appreciate them. Instead, among the people you go on together identify those that are relevant in your yesterday, today and future on your road to success.

Your Thoughts: it controls all the materials things in life. A resource you can use to transform or ruin your life. It depends on the mindset you have for success. You need to get rid of a poor you. When you believed that you are poor, it will be very hard to prosper, it doesn't matter the amount of people or available opportunities to help u, What you think is what you possess, what you possess is what controls the circumstances of your life.

Your capacity to do things according to, Mahatma Gandhi that says “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning." 

 Procrastination: is the eater of time, killer of ability to those that procrastinates and can never make them utilizes their God given talents. This is an horrible inner behavior that gradually stops you from reaching your expected end in life, 

Regret: In the journey of life I don't think you have much time to dwell over your past mistakes because you will surely make a lot of mistakes but try not to mourn over them, instead learn the lesson that is needed to be learned from your past mistakes and move on.

 Lack of Training: If you dare want to make it in life you need to respect training and retaining in whatever field of life you are, it will surely keeps you up-to-date and prepare you for the task ahead. It fine tunes your gifting, brings out the best in you and increases productivity, but if you refuse training, you'll be leaving money on your table and you will amount to a half baked that is not useful to anyone.

Fear: one of the weapons procrastination uses to stop a man from reaching his goal in life is the weapon of fear. Fear of unknown, failure or fear of what people will say,  if you will reach your destination in life, kindly get rid of your fear because it will not allow you to start anything. 

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Turn a life lesson into an action

Resolve to use what you have learned from living  life  to change your focus. Looking back to make an assessment about your past using the wisdom gained over time to help you begin to develop a productive approach towards making a better choices from evaluating past circumstances. This approach can either work for you or against depends on your mindset. If you aren't the type of person dwelling much on your past events or a person that doesn’t really understood that life will surely offers series of adventures such person won’t know how to make use of his/her past experiences.

To get the most out of life you have to take lessons that life provides from your past event as a series of adventures to learning new ways of doing things, expand your circle of experience, to step outside of yourself, building from your strengths to address areas of needed development. Once your thinking doesn’t get rigid that things cannot be better again then you will be able to take the uncertainty and fear out of the questions to turn a life into an action.

All In all, the lessons that life provides was that you should be able to trust your ability to make the best decision when needed because you have faced similar challenges and that begins a change in your approach to self-reflection as you can now develop a plan of action that makes you a better person

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Level of Your Self-Confidence Determines Your Success

Self-confidence determines your success or failure in every aspect of your life. Confidence comes from a strong and healthy sense of self to form realistic perception of your abilities. If you are used to thinking negative thoughts about what you are capable of doing your life will reflect this negative energy.   
You need to constantly add self-supportive talk into your inner dialog to begin creating confidence, self-esteem and success. There are many ways to become a confident leader in your own life.

One place you can begin building self-confidence is in your “thoughts”. For instance, we are all capable of holding negative thoughts about ourselves, such as - I'm not good enough, I'm unworthy,   I'm helpless, I can't change, etc. These negative thoughts, repeated over and over again, create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

To be in a better position to boost self confidence you need to create a new YOU, choosing to think about yourself in a  whole new way realize that you can end that 'stinking thinking' by Challenge Your Limits. Nothing can stop you from challenging your limits. 

Coming out of your comfort zone and don't ever think that your limit is your comfort zone, your achievement is out of your comforts zone and the only key that can helps you to lock enemies of success outside the fence is to facing bigger challenges of your life and avoid using this mindset "try out", having this mindset you are still operating with low-esteem.


To be candid, not everyone is brave enough to do something which is not their strength but whatever you're perfect at doing, do it to upgrade a level up in your life.  


The consequence of running your life with low self confidence was that you will be helping others live their dreams and settling down to a life of regrets at the end of day.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Live a Life That Faces Things Honestly

We think that if we chuck enough money on something it will solve the problem but you need to live a life that faces things honestly, deal with what needs to be dealt with genuinely, Face reality. When you allow a huge feeling of sadness, fear, or anger or any forms of uncomfortable to seal your mind; you may likely be handed over to the enemies of success. 
Challenge yourself in new ways and do not get trapped by dogma and most certainly don't think that taking a week long vacation is 'living'. Find what you love and pursue that passion. When tough time appears discipline your mind to establishing positive attitude facing the reality.  

 Life tends to need a more hands-on approach that requires time, attention and care. A moment of poor judgment can lead to a life time worry.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Give Yourself a Lift

You need to be your own faith builder and hope booster when you put a limit on yourself no one can unlit you, words are seeds to your destiny because what you see is what you become. Self talk empowers you to believe in yourself and abilities that why you need to learn to use words that will work for you not against you.
 Stop limit yourself by your own words .

Sunday, 7 August 2016

You Will Never Understand Everything

There are likely to be a few things going on around you right now, as there always will be. It will remain just slightly outside of your comprehension people will behave oddly and you won’t understand why.

Things will go unexpectedly wrong or right and it won’t make sense spend all your time desperately trying to work it all out and if you are trying to do that  you’ll drive yourself crazy. Much better to just accept that there is always stuff that we won’t understand and let it go and discover the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you’ll never understand everything.